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Remember when we said we were starting a Podcast and then we released an episode and we never did it again?
Yeah we can all thank COVID For that.
Back in 2020 we released released our first episode of the Netram Podcast and we went through a storm of challenges after that which didn't allow us to be back on our game again.
We recently decided to bring it back starting off with episode #2
This time we bring to the studio, Hanri - the man behind the YouTube Channel SoundBlab. He makes incredible handcraft loudspeakers and uses a plethora of interesting techniques and manufacturing methods.
We talk about his rise to popularity on Youtube, being in a Niche space in the maker community and how he got started with Loud Speaker design. If you have any interest in Speaker design you should definitely check out his channel.
The full Video Podcast is available below as well as on Spotify. Enjoy!
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