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Over the years of working in the hardware tech industry. We’ve met many incredible people along the way of which are mindbogglingly versed in their field that we thought, “It’s insane to think people don’t know about you or what you do” So we’re changing that.
Every week we are hosting a Video Podcast of some of the leaders and experts in the field of Tech, Science and Business. We hope to provide value for others in the form of advice, entertainment and sometimes just something to think about.
We kick the podcast off with someone named Donovan Martin.
He’s the current Founder and Managing Director of Donix Embedded Systems but has a plethora of interesting past achievements such his projects as a Design Engineer in The Defense Force working on Electronic Counter Measures.
Since then he has done some other crazy work which he shares with us on the Podcast. He now also is one of the Executive Board Members of the Cape Town Space Society, an initiative that empowers the youth in learning more about science, aerospace and the technologies behind it.
During this Podcast we touch on a few subjects from Space Travel to the Science on the latest VASIMR Engine and his work with Professor Hildreth (Hal) Walker, Jr from the Apollo 11 Mission, we also talk about some theories for a few “fringe” science possibilities and the latest US Navy Patents around them.
The Full Podcast can be found here:
Its also available in Audio Format on the following Platforms:
-Apple PodCasts
-Google Podcasts
-Pocket Casts
-Radio Public
Click follow on any of these platforms to automatically download to your device (on WiFi) as soon as the new episodes are released.
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